Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband

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Great selection Athletes Choice online store. Best Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband guarantee quality big save order now Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.

Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband
By Brand: Athletes Choice
List Price: $44.99
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"Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband Reviews"

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By Brand: Athletes Choice

"Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband" Description

  • Made from a high grade neoprene to protect your phone from bumps, dents, and scratches
  • Clear window lets you see your phone's screen so you can see who's calling you or check the time
  • Velcro Adjustable strap allows you to adjust the armband for a more comfortable fit
  • Neoprene Material used to make this armband is very breathable and avoids moisture build up
  • Micro USB Data Cable Cord to synchronize your device with your PC + Clear Screen Protector

"Blue Durable Neoprene Exercise Sports Workout Armband with Adjustable Velcro Strap for HTC T-Mobile My Touch 4G Android Smartphone + Anti Glare Clear Screen Protector + Micro USB Data Cable Cord + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband" Overview

This Neoprene Workout Armband has been manufactured to fit your mobile phone. The neoprene material used to make this armband protects your phone from unwanted bumps, dents, and scratches from accumulating. This neoprene material is also very light weight and avoids moisture build up, making this armband great for working out at the gym, jogging or running around. This armband has been designed with a clear plastic window to allow you to view your phone's display screen and see who's calling you. Its Velcro adjustable strap allows you to adjust this armband to a more comfortable fit. You'll be impressed with not only the quality but comfort that this armband has to offer. (PHONE NOT INCLUDED) Package also includes a Clear Screen Protector. This screen protector will prevent scratches on your phone's lcd display screen without sacrificing visibility. The screen protector comes with a cleaning cloth and a plastic card to help you apply the screen protector. Features: Bubble-Free Application, free from Fingerprints, and dust repelling. + Micro USB Data Cable. Use this cable to synchronize your micro USB device with your PC. At the same time, you'll be charging the battery without having to connect to a wall socket + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband

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